PHONE: 469-232-7806

  • “I have a positive work environment, which has led to increased productivity. This has led to an increase in our department scores, which is tied directly to our bonuses. Help with this issue literally increased my overall pay.”
  • “After I put some of the techniques from the coaching sessions into play, I’ve become a stronger woman!”
  • “This breakthrough has allowed me to regain my confidence, I walk taller and with my head up. I am able to handle difficult situations calmly and with clarity, instead of consumed with worry and uncertainty.”


Meet Karletha

an author, certified professional coach, and yoga instructor known for her creative ability to challenge beliefs and evaluate perspectives. With over a decade of leadership experience, she created Push through Coaching LLC to support clients through transforming thought and challenging limiting beliefs.

Her MAP program teaches youth to acknowledge the buffer of time between feeling and responding. She has administered over 2,000 students with sessions that incorporate social and emotional learning techniques through mindfulness. Her coaching style has supported her clients with positive lifestyle-skills that aid in their relationships.

After losing her older sister to domestic violence, Karletha co-created Deanna’s Voice Foundation to help combat violence in the community by creating alternative methods of dealing with impulse behaviors.

Push Through Coaching

Push Through Coaching

We specialize in professional training and consulting of both the mind and body. Our corporation supports the community through their trauma journey by providing tools and techniques that encourage a positive direction towards healing. Our clients say, “the techniques are simple yet incredibly effective.”  We have coached students, employers, and individual clients with lifestyle-skills that aid in their behavior, relationships, and bereavement. 

We offer a range of personal and professional coaching and training services

We offer a range of personal and professional coaching and training services

Our goal is to promote self and social awareness, positive decision making skills, and relationships through social and emotional learning techniques that help to prevent and reduce unhealthy behavior.

  • Trauma Healing
  • Bereavement Coaching
  • Relationship Maintenance
  • Mindfulness and Awareness
  • Mind and Body Training
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